"Gnomes are in for a treat!
With fall colors, there's no need to dress up for them, gardening cucurbits is enough! But playing little wizards is fun too!"
Stitch count : 130 x 120 points (width x height)
Stitch Area (for stitching over 2 threads or 1 aida square) :
- on 11 threads (28 ct) or Aida 5.5 pts (Aida 14 ct) | : | 23,6 x 21,8 cm | or | 9 1/4 " x 8 5/8 " |
- on 12,6 threads (32 ct) or Aîda 6,4 pts (Aida 16 ct) | : | 20,6 x 19 cm | or | 8 1/8 " x 7 1/2 " |
- on 14 threads (36 ct) or Aida 7 pts (Aida 18 ct) | : | 18,6 x 17,1 cm | or | 7 1/4 " x 6 3/4 " |
- on 16 threads (40 ct) or Aida 8 pts (Aida 20 ct) | : | 16,3 x 15 cm | or | 6 3/8 " x 5 7/8 " |
Colours :
- DMC 310, 317, 435, 783, 730 ,733, 754 839, 921, 3835, 3865
Fabric : stitch on your favorite fabric : aida, evenweave, linen,...
The embroidery presented was stitched on a Belfast linen fabric 32 ct by Zweigart Mocha colour ref. 3609/309 with 2 strands over 2 threads.
Product Type:Cross Stitch
Craft Type:Cross Stitch
Format:Printed Chart
Brand:Jardin Prive
Product Code:G6762